Top 10k strings from Spectrum Computing - Issue 09 (1984)(ASP Software)(Side B).tzx
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12 hhhhhhhhhhh 5 h;"Page ";a/h: 5 - Q to Quit": 5 "8";"START THE TAPE": 5 THEN PRESS ANY KEY 4 h;" 48K Only"''" Press 2 or 3 for pages or"'" Hold S for 2 world cup 2 howzat 2 Tomatoes 2 Mr.Wong 2 Midnight 2 ;"COWBOY"; 2 ''''''''''''' 1 ~~~ffffffffw 1 ~~~ffffffff 1 yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyqqqqqqqyqqqyqqqyyyyyyyyyQQQQQQyyyiiyiiiiiiyiiyiiiyyyyyyyQVVVVQyyiiiiiiyiiyiiiiiiyyyyyyyyQQVVQQyyiiiiiiiyiiiiiyiiyiyiiiiyQQQQQQyyiiyiiiyiiiiiiyiiyyyyyyyyQQQQQQyyiiiiiiiiiyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyQQQQyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyQQyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyxxxyxxxyxxxyxxxyxxxyxxxyxxxyxxxyyaryyaryyaryyaryyaryyaryyaryyaryyaryyaryyaryyaryyaryyaryyaryyaryyyzyyyzyyyzyyyzyyyzyyyzyyyzyyyzy{{{y{{{y{{{y{{{y{{{y{{{y{{{y{{{y 1 y=y+((I$="8" 1 x=x+((I$="6" 1 screen 1 reviews2 : 1 p$=p$+" ": 1 moment."'" This is a multi-screen game, but each screen is just a varia-tion on the same layout with 1 m$="BUT WHAT MAKES A GREAT GAME IS-": 1 m$=" SLIGHTLY INCREASED DIFFICULTY ": 1 m$=" ADDICTIVENESS (ad infinitum) ": 1 m$=" AN UNCOMFORTABLE SITUATION ": 1 m$=" EVEN MORE DETERMINATION ": 1 m$=" BEGINNING 2nd SCREEN ": 1 m$=" ALMOST BEST SCORE EVER ": 1 m$=" AN UNEXPECTED LOSS ": 1 m$=" THE GAME FINISHES ": 1 m$=" THE 2nd LIFE LOSS ": 1 m$=" BONUS LIFE OBTAINED ": 1 m$=" 1st SCREEN VICTORY ": 1 m$=" BONUS LIFE LOST ": 1 m$=" PLAIN SAILING ": 1 m$=" DETERMINATION ": 1 m$=" AN EASY START ": 1 it, I confess this one is not for me, but a young consultant turned loose on it decked the place in b 1 i$="m12879h": 1 i$="kllkji13cbabaabbaa": 1 i$="i77777777777777ba": 1 i$="efbabbdcbadcdcdcd6cbbbdbcbobadbafbacd6ffjfjf7m": 1 i$="e2bcdbacdbacbbdbocdcdobaocdb": 1 i$="bbdcbdbcobb3b1m2927iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii": 1 i$="bbbbocdbb13bbm2e7hh": 1 i$="97dcbbdbbcbbbacdbbbbcbobcbbbbdbobacbabacdcdododocbbacdbbbcdcd": 1 i$="97bbbbcdobbcbbdbbocbbdbbcbbbbc2bbcdoc1bb3ocdbb4bbbbcdcd5cbbbbbcdcbdbb": 1 i$="78bbbocbababbbcbdcdecdcdbafbbcdcdbcbdb6": 1 i$="29ba0codbaocbababbbodbbocbbbodbaba": 1 i$="21cbababa3bababa8ba1dbaocbabbbbodbbcba": 1 i$="17bcodbban2834e5555555ba": 1 i$="13dbai0babac0babakbac": 1 i$="12docb83e45kp41": 1 i$="* STOP THE TAPE *" 1 h;"16K and 48K"''" Press 2 or 3 for pages or"'" Hold S for 1 gh. Itis endorsed by a cricket star who says, 'It is a truly addic- tive game'. Aha, THAT'S why theydo it!": 1 dYou've hit me 1 dYou've got me 1 dOOOOOOOHOHOHH 1 dAAAAAAAAARRGH 1 cowboys 1 code 1 chars =23990 1 cartoon 1 c$="0000"( 1 av,ah;"#$" 1 ad+f,c(f+1 1 Z$=A$+A$+A$+A$+A$+A$: 1 Tel (0392) 218166 1 TERRY GREER 1 T THE TAPE": 1 STATEMENTS IN YOUR PROGRAM MAKE THIS LINE YOUR FIRST PROGRAMLINE AND RUN IT OR ELSE THEY DON'T WORK : 1 RAMTOP IS MOVED - YOU ARE ADVISED TO FOLLOW THE CHAIN-ING UNTIL YOU LEAVE THE REVIEW SECTION TO AVOID UNUSUAL EFFECTS 1 Press any key to start": 1 Press any key to abort" 1 PRESS ANY KEY TO PLAY 1 OR R TO RETURN TO BASIC 1 I;" STOP THE TAPE ": 1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX 1 BBGBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBGGGGGGBBBDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDGGBBBBBGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGBBBBBGGBBBBBGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGBBBBBGGDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDBBBBBBBBBBBBGGGGGBBBBBBBBBBBGGGBBBBBBBBBBBBBGGGGGBBBBBBBBBBBGGGBDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDEEEEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDEEEBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBGGGGGGGGGGGGGBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBGGGGGGGGGGGGGBBDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBGGGGGGGBB 1 ;"this program" 1 ;"a two player game" 1 ;"You can 'PRINT AT' 24 (0 to 23) lines and 64 (0 to 63)columns ,there will be no scroll questions,the program just scrolls." 1 ;"Wong's Loopy Laundry from Artic"; 1 ;"Wich character to be picked up ? Enter to skip";#0 1 ;"Wich Character to be replaced ? Enter to skip ";#0 1 ;"Up : keys 9 O L Ss" 1 ;"Up : keys 4 R F C" 1 ;"There is no program without any restrictions and this program is no exception. If you want to use colour changes in the statement itself you need to open the right channel (2) before they will work. INVERSE , OVER and TAB don't work. Only AT and CHR$ 13 do. All other control- characters are replaced by a questionmark."; 1 ;"The characters are only 4 bits wide ,and almost un- readable so I have included a Character Generator. Maybe your readers can make it more readable."; 1 ;"The best way of finding out how it works is by trail and error. You can use CHR$ 32 to CHR$ 164.The program has its own UDG set."; 1 ;"See notes in listing. REM line 0 is 1300 bytes in length." 1 ;"START THE TAPE": 1 ;"SOFTWARE REVIEWS"'' 1 ;"Press a key to turn page." 1 ;"Press a key to play": 1 ;"Press P to play or"; 1 ;"PRESS ANY KEY TO TURN PAGE"; 1 ;"PRESS A KEY TO TURN THE PAGE";: 1 ;"PRESS A KEY TO TURN PAGE" 1 ;"PLEASE WAIT": 1 ;"PLEASE DISCONNECT INTERFACE AND LOAD AGAIN, THIS PROGRAM USES A NON RELOACATABLE MACHINECODE ROUTINE IN LINE 0": 1 ;"LET TAPE RUN " 1 ;"L to load next pages" 1 ;"Keywords are replaced by a questionmark,CLS does not affect the last print coordinatesyou used. "; 1 ;"Its easy to use , just one RANDOMIZE USR 23765and everything you print through channel 4 is of the format you see now."; 1 ;"Fire : keys 5 T G V" 1 ;"Fire : keys 0 P En Sp" 1 ;"Filename ? Enter to skip ";#0 1 ;"Down : keys 8 I K M" 1 ;"Down : keys 3 E D X" 1 ;"Dear Spectrum Computing,"; 1 ;" VERIFYING !! ";: 1 ;" Use cursorkeys to "; 1 ;" THAT'S ALL FOLKS "; 1 ;" Shoot away the cacti and then your opponent." 1 ;" START THE TAPE ": 1 ;" S=Save Chars. ";#2 1 ;" Revenge of the Killer Tomatoes from Visions"; 1 ;" Q=Quit this stage "; 1 ;" Player 2 : " 1 ;" Player 1 : " 1 ;" P=pick up char. "; 1 ;" Or Sinclair Interface 2 " 1 ;" Lords of Midnight from Beyond"; 1 ;" LOADING " 1 ;" L to leave "; 1 ;" DON'T MISS NEXT ISSUE! ": 1 ;" CONTROLS " 1 ;" C=Clear grid "; 1 ;" By Bert Vierstra " 1 ;" 64 COLUMN PRINT UTILITY "; 1 ;" to print a ""bit"". " 1 ;" World Cup from Artic"; 1 ;" Press CAPS/SHIFT "; 1 ;" Howzat from Wyvern"; 1 ;" move cursor. "; 1 ;" here's a printutility program, it prints as you can see 64 characters a line."; 1 ;" abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 !""#$%&'()+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_{|}~ 1 ;" BY BERT VIERSTRA "; 1 ;" ": 1 64columns! 1 13 PALMERSTON DRIVE 1 ,ah;"01234567" 1 *** IT'S A DRAW *** 1 * STOP THE TAPE * 1 )-((I$="7" 1 )-((I$="5" 1 '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 1 "world cup" 1 "up against the side of the screen."'" This game is very good of it'skind, but Spectrum software has moved on a bit from this kind ofgame, and it is still moving.": 1 "the left or right and then hold the control for up or down, and he will continue moving until hegets to the ladder and then he swings aboard."'" The only problem with this method of movement is that you can only stop him by getting him" 1 "that level, but pressing 'O' takes you to the 'Options' page. This game is fairly simple butits originality makes up for a lot, and it does have extremely smooth movement and good use of sound effects.": 1 "reviews2" 1 "players can take turns playing out the whole tournament with a choice of teams from a pool offorty. That should take you up to winter." 1 "for the players or rate them foryourself. Then you must choose whether to bat or bowl, and thenpick batsmen or bowler. Then youcan accept the computers layout of the field or position the menyourself. THEN you can play.": 1 "cute the first time but a pain thereafter."'" You can play against a friend or against the computer. There is a practice mode in which you play single games, and the WorldCup mode in which up to nine": 1 "amount of starch with which to paralyse his opponents for a moment."'" This is a multi-screen game, but each screen is just a varia-tion on the same layout with ladders placed differently." 1 "Tomatoes" 1 "Midnight" 1 "Dear reader,"''"You probably have your interface1 connected and this program uses a non-relocatble machine code routine in line 0 , please disconnect the interface and re-load or load next item." 1 "64columns!" 1 " You get an extra opponent on the second screen, and you get achance to replenish your starch when you run out."'" All in all, it's very similar to lots of other ladder games, but it does fit in 16K.": 1 " You control only one man at a time, the one nearest the ball, using keyboard or Kempston or Sinclair Interface 2 joysticks. Interface 2 has the advantage that two players can use sticks at the same time. Two on the keyboard is likely to lead to cries of 'offside'." 1 " You can use Sinclair Interface2, Kempston, or cursor joysticksor QAOP and the bottom row on the keyboard. Mr. Wong keeps moving in the direction he was last pushed, which makes it veryeasy to catch a ladder as you gopast. You just start him off to" 1 " You can destroy Doomdark by battle or quest for his source of power, the Ice Crown. There are four main characters which you direct to start with, and others are recruited throughout the game. The interaction is very complex. Luckily you get a 30 page instruction manual." 1 " You can choose your own keys for keyboard control, which alsoallows you to use most kinds of joystick, including Interface 2 and cursor sticks. Kempston joysticks are also supported. Why doesn't everyone do things this way?" 1 " You can choose skill levels from 0 to 9, but aren't told which end of the scale is the easiest and which the hardest. Istill am not sure, having tried both ends but not the middle. Pressing '0' starts the game at" 1 " We found no animated or arcadesequences at all during our partial exploration of this hugeprogram. The fight sequences arein the text adventure tradition.You select 'fight' and are then told who won. There are no joy- stick options, naturally." 1 " Those who know the game seem to like this version, though. Itis endorsed by a cricket star who says, 'It is a truly addic- tive game'. Aha, THAT'S why theydo it!": 1 " This manual is beautifully produced, with colour illustra- tions, the 'story so far', a mapand comprehensive guide to play.You also get a keyboard overlay,which is an absolute necessity.": 1 " This is really a single screengame, but the cabbage patch is in constant motion and there is an increase in difficulty with each successful 'days' weeding, so there is some variety." 1 " There is no arcade action in the game. The chosen players batand bowl in line with their chosen ratings, so putting a team together is where the ex- citement lies. You do have to decide whether to run or not or move fielders after each stroke,though." 1 " There is a full scoreboard with a printout feature so that you can carry it around asking, 'What does this mean?' But don'task me, I'm the guy who elicitedthe error message, 'Wicket keep-er cannot bowl'." 1 " The true flavour of the game comes through at once, as you are asked to choose a couple of teams, either from the 1st classcounty squads, or the test teamsor a team of your own devising. Then you have to decide whether to accept the computer's rating" 1 " The game is played on a 3D pitch before a noisy crowd, who buzz 'You'll never walk again' and other favourites until you go mad or press y to turn the sound off. At half time you are subjected to advertisements for Artic's other wares, which is" 1 " The amazing landscape graphicsdo not slow down the game at allas they appear instantaneously as you switch from screen to screen, scanning the horizon around eight points of the com- pass or switching from one char-acter to another." 1 " Not only killer tomatoes but murderous mushrooms and psycho- pathic swedes, all trying to eliminate the gardener who is peacefully weeding. And when yourun away, you are penalized for stepping on the cabbages." 1 " Here's one for those who don'tthink there is enough soccer on the telly already. With this program it can monopolize the box all summer as well, but whenwinter comes again you'll have to choose." 1 " Here's one for those who don'tthink there is enough cricket onthe telly already. With this program it can monopolize the box all winter as well, but whensummer comes again you'll have to choose." 1 " Extra features include an 8 place high score table which is fine if you have eight or more friends visiting, and a demo mode. The score for each 'day' is presented in the form of a payslip. Pretty good rates, too,at a hundred quid per weed!": 1 " Despite its tenner price tag, this has to be the best value inSpectrumware yet seen. There is even a novel prize for the firstperson to win the game. His featwill be turned into a novel!": 1 " Computers are not necessarily a help to the small businessman,and Mr. Wong must have gone off them completely after this game. Mr. Wong has to dash about collecting laundry while avoid- ing the deadly soap bubbles and steam iron. He has a limited" 1 " Beyond call this game an Epic rather than an adventure, and so it is. You can play it as a quest or a wargame, or you can combine both aspects to whateverdegree you wish. Beyond claim 32,000 different screens!" 1 " As one who dislikes watching exercise, let alone simulating it, I confess this one is not for me, but a young consultant turned loose on it decked the place in bogrolls and destroyed the couch, so it must have some kind of appeal I can't see.": 1 value inSpectrumware yet seen. There is even a novel prize 1 page. This game is fairly simple butits originality makes up for a lot, and it d 1 TO USE THIS UTILITY INYOUR OWN PROGRAMS; DELETE ALL OFTHIS PROGRAM EXEPT LINE 0,MERGE IT , ENTER USR 23765 1 THIS LINE AND THE REM LINE THEN SEEM TO HAVE DISAPPEARED BUT THEY ARE STILL THERE . RESTORE TO NORMAL BY POKING 23635,203 AND 23636,92 1 PLAYER 1____SC: ____AMMO: PLAYER 2____SC: ____AMMO: 1 IF YOU ARE USING 1 (UDG'S) " 1 EXWICK 1 EXETER EX4 2JA 1 ";d$;" 1 ";d$;" 1 4444333311111222223'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''' '''''''''''''''''''''''%%'' ''' '''''''''''''''''''''''%%''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''%%''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 1 $$$$$$$$$$$$$'''' $$$$$$$$$$$$$''''''''''''''''' 1